When arthritis gets worse that the “non-operative" or "conservative" measures work to relieve the pain, your surgeon may recommend you to have shoulder replacement surgery.
This can either be a "hemiarthroplasty"(only the humerus is replaced), or a "total shoulder arthroplasty"(both the humerus and glenoid socket) are replaced.
While surgery should relieve pain, but it may not necessarily improve your motion. Also, any mechanical device, like a shoulder replacement, will wear out with time (generally 20-25 years, or so, in the shoulder, and varying on whether the replacement was a total or hemi shoulder arthroplasty). For this reason, surgeons usually recommend delaying surgery as long as tolerable.
Shoulder replacement is done in the hospital. Usually patients need to stay in the hospital around 3 days after surgery for their recovery. Unlike knee or hip replacements, usually there is no need for blood transfusions after surgery, except for unusually complicated cases.
After surgery, the following products will be useful:
Cryotherapy unit. Cold therapy is an ice machine that can decrease your pain after surgery. Hospitals used to provide them to patients all the time; but, because insurance companies stopped reimbursing for them, the hospitals have stopped this practice. We offer state-of-the art equipment, such as the DonJoy Iceman and the PolarCare Cub so you do not have to be in pain. Place your order before surgery, so you can bring the device to the hospital with you. Believe it or not, the nurses will actually appreciate this, as these units are far easier to maintain and much less messy than the ice bags they typically would place on you. Take the unit home with you to help decrease pain and swelling for the weeks after surgery.
Rehabilitation of the shoulder will be necessary. It is very important to follow your surgeon's exact directions. You will find that doing your exercises routinely at home, under your surgeon's or physical therapist's guidance, will get you the best results possible after your joint replacement.
For more details please contact:
Dr. Prateek Gupta (Senior Surgeon)
Arthroscopy Surgery Clinic
C2/5 Safdarjung Development Area (SDA),
Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016
Telephones: +91 9810852876, +91 11 26517776
24 x 7 Helpline & Appointment: +91 9810633876
Email: sportsmedicinedelhi@yahoo.com,
Website: http://www.sportsmedicineclinicdelhi.com/arthroscopy.htm,
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